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Ph 200: Ideas & Their Consequences 3 credits

Selected philosophical ideas of continuing importance from the pre-Socratics to the 20th century.

Prerequisites: Bi 209, Bi 205.

Sec Days Time Room
1MWF8:00–8:50LEC A
2MWF3:00–3:50LEC A

Ph 205: Practical Ethics 3 credits

The meaning and purpose of ethics, with emphasis on Christian principles of action. Historical and practical approach to the problem of right conduct.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 309: Philosophy of Religion 3 credits

Major issues in religion as interpreted through major religious worldviews.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 311: Ancient & Medieval Philosophy 3 credits

Major philosophical figures, movements, and ideas from Thales to the Late Scholastics.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

Sec Days Time Room
1MWF10:00–10:50Al 105

Ph 312: Early Modern Philosophy 3 credits

Major philosophical figures, movements, and ideas from Descartes to the end of the eighteenth century, not including Kant.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 313: Late Modern Philosophy 3 credits

Major philosophical figures, movements, and ideas from approximately the long nineteenth century, including from Kant to Nietzsche and the early American pragmatists.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 314: Contemporary Philosophy 3 credits

Major philosophical figures, movements, and ideas in the twentieth century, from Husserl and Frege to roughly the present day.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 411: Logic & Language 3 credits

Classical and contemporary logic, plus philosophy of language, including semantics and pragmatics, theories of reference, and related topics.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

Sec Days Time Room
1TTH9:30–10:45Al 108

Ph 412: Ethics & Political Philosophy 3 credits

Major theories in ethics and political philosophy. Topics in ethics include metaethical theories, major normative theories, and a survey of applied ethics topics. Topics in political philosophy include the nature of justice, political authority, rights, just war theory, and property.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 413: Metaphysics & Epistemology 3 credits

Major theories in metaphysics and epistemology. Topics in metaphysics include the nature of objects and persons, time, causation, modality, and relations between these. Topics in epistemology include the definition of knowledge, sources of knowledge, and theories of epistemic justification.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.

Ph 414: Philosophy Seminar 3 credits

Special topics in philosophy.

Prerequisite: Ph 200.

This course is not offered this academic year.