Brent Cook

Division of Biblical Studies and Theology
School of Theology and Global Leadership
- PhD, Church History, Bob Jones University
- MA, Bible, Bob Jones University
- BA, History, Bob Jones University
- Bible Doctrines (Th 360)
- Church History (SCH 601, SCH 602)
- Gospel of Matthew (Bi 450)
- Historical Theology (Th 345)
- Worldview & Apologetics (Th 499)
About Brent
Brent Cook, professor of Bible and Church History, completed his PhD in the spring of 2006, and joined the BJU undergraduate Bible faculty and BJU seminary faculty in the fall of 2006. Before joining the faculty, he served as managing editor for Ambassador-Emerald Intl., a Christian publishing company located in Belfast Northern Ireland, and Greenville, SC. Brent has taught twenty-two courses in Bible, philosophy, and church history. Since 2015 Brent has also served as the Pastor for Preaching at University Baptist Church in Clemson, SC.
Brent speaks on church history and apologetics subjects at various churches and symposiums. He has also pursed post-doctoral studies in philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary. He has travelled to fifteen foreign countries and throughout the United States investigating church history sites, archeological digs, museums and centers for various religions. He especially enjoys exploring early Christian sites in Israel, Turkey, Greece and Rome. He also has a great love for medieval architecture. In the summer of 2012, he spent a week rafting through the Grand Canyon with creation geologist Andrew Snelling where he developed an interest in exploring the geology of National Parks. Brent attempts to stay connected to his field through professional memberships, auditing courses, attending conferences, and reading extensively.
Brent and his wife Anne have three children. Their youngest was adopted from China in 2016. A native of Colorado, Brent enjoys hiking the Rockies with his family and visiting National Parks. He also enjoys trail running with his daughter.