University Creed and Mission
We believe in the inspiration of the Bible (both the Old and the New Testaments); the creation of man by the direct act of God; the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; His identification as the Son of God; His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross; the resurrection of His body from the tomb; His power to save men from sin; the new birth through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit; and the gift of eternal life by the grace of God.
Our Creed highlights the core doctrines that unite us, but does not include more specific issues. University positions on some issues are available.
Within the cultural and academic soil of liberal arts higher education, Bob Jones University exists to grow Christlike character that is scripturally disciplined, others-serving, God-loving, Christ-proclaiming and focused above.
As a Christian liberal arts higher education institution we:
- educate regenerate men and women of varying educational backgrounds and proficiencies from across the nation and around the world.
- educate the whole person through a biblically integrated liberal arts curriculum.
- equip individuals with a biblical worldview and with the ability to defend that worldview.
- offer programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees in a range of disciplines both in a residential environment and via distance learning and professional development opportunities.
- foster spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development and cultural expansion of the individual.
- are committed to excellence in teaching by a godly, competent and professional faculty who are dedicated to furthering the University’s mission.
As a Christian higher education institution committed to helping Christian students grow in Christlikeness we:
- emphasize excellence and hold students accountable to pursue it for the purpose of developing character.
- teach individuals to apply the Scriptures to practical Christian living.
- seek to develop individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ as Lord, who are engaged in service and leadership in a biblically faithful local church, and who have a compelling concern for reaching the unconverted with the Gospel.
- are steadfastly committed to remaining faithful to the biblical doctrine and principles in our founding charter.
- develop a constituency of regenerated students who have adequate preparation to profit from a Christian college education.