David Boyd

Department Head, Department of Biology
Division of Natural Science
College of Arts and Science
- MA, Biblical Studies, Bob Jones University
- PhD, Entomology, Clemson University
- MS, Entomology, Clemson University
- BS, Biology, Bob Jones University
- Evolution & Origins (Bio 300)
- General Biology II (Bio 101)
- General Biology II Lab (Bio 191)
- General Biology I Lab (Bio 190)
- Organismal Biology I (Bio 208)
- Organismal Biology II (Bio 209)
Dr. David Boyd teaches introductory biology and animal biology at Bob Jones University. He earned a BS in biology with a minor in chemistry from BJU in 1996 and earned both his MS (1998) and PhD in entomology (2001) from Clemson University. His graduate work focused on the biological control of insects and function of digestive enzymes and mouthpart morphology in predacious and herbivorous insects. Dr. Boyd was employed as a research entomologist for five and half years at the USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Research Station in Poplarville, MS. His training and experience give him a unique perspective that is invaluable in training students to think like biologists.
Dr. Boyd has a long history with BJU. His paternal grandparents taught at BJU and his father and mother attended BJU. However, it was only after Dr. Boyd graduated from BJU in 1996 that he called on the name of the Lord Jesus to save him from his sins. After growing up in a Christian home and living a hypocritical life for so long, Dr. Boyd has a desire to see his students live out their Christian faith that stems from his own past failures and his compassion for them.
During graduate school, Dr. Boyd faced many challenges because of his belief that God created the world. Even though many of his graduate professors tried to get him to forsake his commitment to creation, one of his professors challenged him to learn as much about evolution as he could so that he could be a better creation scientist. Dr. Boyd challenges his students with the same idea in all his classes, but especially in Bio 300 Evolution and Origins.
Dr. Boyd was married in 1998 to Jennifer and they have five children. His family is active at Mount Calvary Baptist Church where he is currently serving as a lay elder. He drives one of the church buses to pick up BJU students on Sunday and often has his personal vehicle full of students when not driving the bus. He is an active vegetable gardener and maintains a small flock of egg-laying hens. He also enjoys bird watching with family and friends.