Doug Garland

Division of History, Government and Social Science
College of Arts and Science
- EdD, Curriculum & Instruction, Bob Jones University
- MA, Bible, Bob Jones University
- BA, Christian Missions, Bob Jones University
- Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone (IDS 401)
About Doug
Dr. Garland loves both to learn and to teach in a variety of fields and venues. Currently he serves as Bob Jones University’s Director of Assessment and acting Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. He earned two degrees in religion and a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from BJU. For thirteen years he taught primarily building construction courses in BJU’s School of Applied Studies and in the School of Business. Seven of those years included service as the chair in the Division of Business, Trade, and Technology. Developing new courses and coaching other teachers occupied much of his time. Prior to joining the faculty, he supervised multiple professionals and craftsmen for the facilities management departments at BJU and Pensacola Christian College. Primary responsibilities included project management, contract administration, regulatory compliance, staff development, and master planning. His peers in South Carolina elected him as the president of two professional associations. He maintains three professional licenses in the building industry.
Doug authored two high school Bible text books (Publish Great Things, 2001, and That I May Know Him, 2002) and served BJU Press as an educational consultant for two summers. Educator workshops for college faculty and home school providers include Leadership Development: A Biblical Model; Let’s Teach For Understanding; Let’s Teach Critical Thinking Skills; and Textbooks: Tools or Tyrants. Doug coordinated faculty in-service computer training, managed the BJU Online Distance Education project, and served on the Liberal Arts Taskforce. He chaired the committee that developed professional standards for BJU faculty and currently leads the BJU Core general education team.
Apart from BJU, Dr. Garland produced nearly 1000 radio programs for missionary ministries and Hampton Park Baptist Church. He led a mission board and directed a Bible quizzing ministry for ten years. More recently, he and his wife Cindy continue to be involved in various church-related ministries. He also enjoys his grandchildren, garden, working in his wood shop, and cooking.