Kathy Pilger

Department of Mathematics
Division of Mathematical Sciences
College of Arts and Science
- EdD, Curriculum and Instruction, Bob Jones University
- MA, Mathematics, Eastern Illinois University
- BA, Mathematics, Eastern Illinois University
- BS, Physical Education, Eastern Illinois University
- Applied Calculus (Ma 130)
- Calculus I (Ma 135)
- College Algebra (Ma 111)
- Foundations of Mathematics for Teachers (Ma 108)
- Teaching Mathematics (5-8) (Ed 373)
- Teaching Mathematics (9-12) (Ed 343)
I had an exciting summer. In May, 2023, I took a trip to Uganda, East Africa. I went to visit a long-time missionary friend. While there I taught 4th-7th graders in a 5-Day Bible Club. Praise God, twenty-two of the children in my junior class prayed to accept Christ as Savior.
We also went on a safari, and I was able to see all sorts of animals. My favorite was the giraffe. But we saw many other animals as well.
God has a plan and a big picture for each of us that we rarely even consider. We tend to walk through life as though we know where we are going only to find out later that God was orchestrating the events of our lives to our good and His glory. So, I consider this a real privilege to be involved in the lives of BJU students.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in central Illinois in farm country. My Dad worked on the Illinois Central Railroad shipping grain to locations around the world. My family was solidly Christian. I grew up going to church. But one day at a special evangelistic service that my parents took me to I realized that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. That night I accepted Jesus Christ as my only hope of everlasting life. I attended public school all of my life and graduated twice with bachelors and masters degrees in mathematics from Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL.
After teaching a year in public high school and three years of college in Illinois, the Lord clearly lead me to Bob Jones University to minister at BJUPress as an author of the high school math curriculum. I began teaching at BJU in 1988. I still love my ministry here with the best young people in the world. I teach students using the tool of mathematics. I want you to see how mathematics can be used to God’s glory through this course.
I enjoy swimming, reading, gardening and crocheting. During the school year I conduct a weekly children’s Bible Club with neighborhood children. I love to try to stay young with college-age students and elementary children. I am an active member of Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, SC.