Mark Vowels

Division Chair, Division of Ministries
School of Theology and Global Leadership
- MA, Intercultural Studies, Columbia International University
- MA, Theology, Bob Jones University
- BA, Bible, Bob Jones University
- Acts (Bi 460)
- Bible Doctrines (Th 350, Th 360)
- Cross-Cultural Discipleship (GL 306)
- Engaging Global Religions (GL 310)
- Global Leadership Internship (GL 499)
- Global Ministry Strategy (GL 402)
- Gospel in a Multicultural World (Min 400)
- Ministry Internship (Min 399)
- Ministry Outreach (Min 302, Min 301, Min 401, Min 201, Min 102, Min 404, Min 402)
- Ministry Outreach (Min 101)
- Ministry Outreach-EXP (Min 202)
- On-Field Mission Team Experience (GL 373)
Mark Vowels combines practical experience and a biblical missions philosophy in his teaching. He has devoted his life to missionary service and pursues that calling both in and out of the classroom. Before coming to BJU, Vowels served as a cross-cultural church planter among Hispanics in Florida. Through ministry to a congregation that featured more than a dozen nationalities, Mark learned to adapt his communication and service to individuals from a variety of cultural backgrounds. During his years in Florida, Mark also traveled repeatedly to Cuba and eventually attempted to gain access to that country as a resident missionary.
When circumstances prevented the Vowels from fulfilling their goal of missionary service in Cuba, Mark accepted a request from his missionary agency to serve in their administration. For the next four years, Mark developed a short-term program for the agency, made numerous trips to observe and interact with missionaries on the field, and preached in churches across America.
Since 2000, Mark has served BJU by teaching missions and Bible courses and by directing the Center for Global Opportunities. His classroom lectures are backed by consistent immersion in current missionary research and continued visits to mission fields around the world to teach and counsel missionaries. To date, Mark has visited more than 40 countries. In addition to his activities at BJU, Mark serves on the board of directors for Biblical Ministries Worldwide, IBM Global, and Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry. His goal is to experience Christianity personally, passionately and purposefully for the glory of God, and to use his interactions with students both in and out of the classroom to encourage them to do the same.