Pearson Johnson

Division of Ministries
School of Theology and Global Leadership
- DMin, Doctor of Ministry, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- ThM, Master of Theology, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- MDiv, Master of Divinity, Bob Jones University
- BS, Mathematics, Bob Jones University
- A Mission-Sending Pastor/Church (SPM 877)
- Biblical Theology of Missions (SCM 675)
- Church Ministry Internship & Integration Project (SCM 790)
- Church Planting & Revitalization (SCM 677)
- Comprehensive Examinations (STh 992)
- Cross-Cultural Internship (SCM 673)
- Dissertation Defense (STh 997)
- Dissertation Prospectus (STh 993)
- Dissertation Research I (STh 994)
- Dissertation Research II (STh 995)
- Dissertation Research III (STh 996)
- History of Christian Missions (SCM 671)
- Making Disciples through the Local Church (Min 305)
- Pastoral Ministry Internship (SCM 709)
- Pastoral Theology (Th 471)
- Proverbs (Bi 426)
- Research Project/Dissertation Defense (SPM 899)
- Research Project/Dissertation I (SPM 897)
- Research Project/Dissertation II (SPM 898)
- Research Project/Dissertation Prospectus (SPM 896)
- Sex Abuse Prevention & Response Training (SCM 610)
- Theories of Counseling (SCM 631)
- Worship Ministry Internship (SCM 710)
Dr. Johnson was born and raised in Muncie, Indiana- a high school graduate of Heritage Hall Christian School. For college, he attended Bob Jones University, where he earned a B.S. in Mathematics. Following graduation, he counseled at Northland Camp where the Lord changed his direction from pursuing a Master’s in Actuarial Science at a state university to returning to Bob Jones Seminary to pursue a Master of Divinity.
After finishing the M.Div. Dr. Johnson became the Pastor of Evangelism and Missions at Inter-City Baptist Church in Detroit, MI serving with Dr. Dave Doran. He served there for 18 years where he coordinated the outreach, discipleship, missions, and church planting efforts of the church. While at ICBC, he was the Director of Grace Baptist Mission, traveling and teaching regularly overseas. He also served as Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary from 2006 to 2015, and Adjunct Professor of Cross-Cultural Studies at Northland International University from 2007-2013. He co-authored For the Sake of His Name with Dave Doran.
In 2015, the Lord led the Johnsons to Greenville where Dr. Johnson became the first Director of Student Care and Discipleship for BJU. The Student Care Office provided confidential biblical counseling to students, faculty and staff of BJU. In 2022, Dr. Johnson became the Director of Academics and Mentoring for BJU Seminary as well as Professor of Practical Theology for the School of Religion and Seminary. He is also involved in ministry through his local church. Pearson is married to his wife Amy, also a BJU grad (BA and MMus) and they have two children, Grace (twice a graduate of BJU) and Pearson IV (a current student at BJU).