Vickie Britton
- MA, Health and Exercise Science, Furman University
- BS, Health and Physical Education, Bob Jones University
- Advanced Concepts in Personal Training II (ESS 261)
- Exercise Science Internship-EXP (ESS 450)
- Exercise Testing & Prescription (ESS 300)
- Exercise Testing & Prescription Lab (ESS 390)
- Health Education & Physical Activity (ESS 205)
- Professional Certification Preparation (ESS 429)
- Professional Fitness Training Practicum-EXP (ESS 333)
- Wellness Concepts (ESS 206)
Vickie Britton completed an undergraduate degree in Physical Education from Bob Jones University in 1981. She went on to teach high school physical education, coach and serve as girls’ athletic director at Bob Jones Academy for 23 years. Vickie received her graduate degree in Health and Exercise Science in 2003 from Furman University in Greenville, SC.
Vickie currently works as an assistant professor at Bob Jones University where she teaches in the Division of Health, Exercise and Sport Science. Vickie is starting her 13th year teaching at the university level. The courses she has taught include: First Aid & Safety, Wellness Concepts, Health Education and Physical Acticity, Coaching Volleyball, Teaching Racquet Sports, Therapeutic Recreation, Exercise Testing and Prescription, Physiology of Exercise, Group Exercise Practicum, Exercise Science Practicum and Exercise Science Internship. Vickie works closely with the Exercise Science majors and advises the junior and senior students and is the program coordinator for the Health & Fitness Training majors. Vickie also helped to establish the Execise and Sport Science Association and is currently the association sponsor.
Vickie is extremely passionate about health and fitness and this passion is evident both inside and outside of the classroom. She has written several articles on health, fitness and nutrition for the BJU Accord (a local campus publication). She is a women’s seminar speaker on health and fitness and lectures on physical education and fitness at education conferences. Vickie is certified as a personal trainer and a sport nutrition specialist with the National Council on Strength and Fitness. She is also a certified exercise physiologist and personal trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine. She has worked as a personal trainer for 20 years and has helped numerous clients achieve personal health and fitness goals.
Vickie has competed in basketball, volleyball, track and field and archery. She is a member of the Greenville Track club and has completed hundreds of road and trail races which include 15 marathons and one 38 mile endurance challenge. Vickie currently resides in Taylors, SC with her husband Steve. They enjoy spending time with their two amazing granddaughters!