With a student population of a few thousand, you might be afraid of being one more face in the crowd. Don’t worry. BJU’s societies help you meet new friends and get involved in activities including sports, outreach and prayer meeting.
What are societies?
Societies are designed to encourage productive, cooperative and godly relationships that display Christlike character. Each society communicates its specific mission through its motto, mascot and theme verse.
Societies operate according to an officer system. You’ll have the chance to develop leadership skills by serving in various offices like president, vice president, chaplain, chorister, secretary and treasurer. The officers plan society meetings, prayer meetings, outings and outreach opportunities.
The goal of the camaraderie, activities and prayer meetings is to channel the Gospel and love for each other into a focus on service to the campus, local churches and the surrounding communities.
Societies can help you develop others-serving relationships through community service projects and campus outreach ministries. The purpose of outreach ministries is to extend the Gospel to the community. Society members recognize a need and organize a group to meet it with the Gospel.
Each semester, your society hosts a stag (members only) outing or a dating outing. Stag outings promote community through a variety of excursions, from intense sports like white-water rafting and paintball, to laid-back activities like roller-skating and hiking. For a dating outing, you can, as the name implies, bring a date or friend. These outings can be anything from a formal banquet to horse-back riding.
Society Sports
The society sports program at BJU revolves around both men’s and women’s societies. You’ll be able to try out for as many sports as your society offers. If you don’t play sports, you can still go and support your society team.
Choosing your society
At the beginning of the year, you’ll experience a fantastic food-filled, several-day event called Rush where societies will welcome and encourage you to join their societies. At the end of Rush, you’ll choose a society and will meet the rest of the members who will be waiting to welcome you with food and inductions.
While a lot of Rush is crazy, the main purpose of Rush isn’t food or fun; it’s for you to get to the core of that society and discover what its focus is. You will be able to meet officers and members, and get a general feel for what that society is like.
You’ll get a Rush Guide, which offers some history about societies, recommended questions for you to ask members, society sports and service records, and a Society of the Year feature.
Alpha Omega Delta
Navy and Gold
2 Timothy 1:7
Christ is All
Alpha Theta Pi
Forest Green and Orange
Ephesians 6:16
Taking the Shield of Faith
Maroon and Gray
Isaiah 40:31
Royalty in Christ
Beta Gamma Delta
Red, White and Blue
Philippians 3:13-14
Liberty in Christ
Green, White and Black
Colossians 1:18
In All Things Christ
Chi Alpha Pi
Navy and White
Proverbs 3:5-6
Christ Always Preeminent
Chi Epsilon Delta
Dark Blue and Gray
Psalm 62:7-8
Christ is Power
Epsilon Zeta Chi
Maroon and White
Colossians 1:10
To Me to Live is Christ
Kappa Sigma Chi
White, Black and Red
II Timothy 2:3-4
Good Soldiers of Christ
Green and Navy
Colossians 3:1
Seeking Things Above
Nu Delta Chi
Gold and Royal Blue
Romans 8:37
We Are More Than Conquerors
Phi Beta Chi
Blue and Orange
Colossians 1:18
The Word Reveals Christ
Phi Kappa Pi
Red, Black and White
Colossians 1:28
Making the Master Manifest
Pi Gamma Delta
Purple and Gold
Joshua 1:9
His Will, Our Desire
Pi Kappa Sigma
Gold and Green
I Corinthians 16:13-14
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease
Sigma Alpha Chi
Scarlet and Navy
II Timothy 2:3
Soldiers Begin With Christ
Theta Kappa Chi
Black and Red
I Corinthians 10:31
Omnia Ad Dei Gloriam
Alpha Sigma Omicron
Navy Blue and Maroon
II Corinthians 5:20
Always Serving Others
Beta Chi Omega
Bear Cubs
Navy Blue and Orange
Deuteronomy 30:20a
Becoming Like Christ Through Obedience
Beta Epsilon Chi
Red and Blue
Galatians 2:20
Being Ever Christlike
Chi Kappa Delta
Yellow and Green
Hebrews 12:1-2
Christ’s Messengers to the World
Chi Theta Upsilon
Blue and Green
Prov. 3:26
Christ Our Confidence
Nu Alpha Phi
Scarlet and White
I John 1:7
Striving To Be Christlike And To Live Life More Abundantly
Pi Delta Chi
Sky Blue and Navy
Romans 14:8
Always Serving Christ
Sigma Lambda Delta
Purple and White
Matthew 6:33
Magnifying Christ
Tau Delta Chi
White, Navy and Gold
Philippians 3:13b-14
Never Looking Back, Excellence Our Goal
Theta Alpha Chi
Green and Royal Blue
Romans 8:38-39
God’s Love Inseparable
Theta Delta Omicron
Orange, White and Black
II Corinthians 2:14
Because I Have Spent Time With You, I am Closer To Our God
Theta Mu Theta
Hunter Green and Maroon
Galatians 6:14
See Only God
Theta Sigma Chi
Gray and Red
Philippians 3:10
Together Serving Christ
Tri Epsilon
Teal, Gold and Black
Hebrews 6:19
Elevating Eternal Excellence
Zeta Tau Omega
Navy, Gold and Gray
II Corinthians 4:6
Zealous, True, Obedient
Zoe Aletheia
Black and White
John 14:6
Invest, Encourage, Edify