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Admission Glossary


Academic Advisor

A person, usually a faculty member, assigned to a student to approve their academic schedule, counsel them toward academic success, oversee their credit load, help them arrange their course schedule to include required classes and assist them in keeping on track academically in order to graduate on time.

Academic Council

The Academic Council, composed of the 6 academic deans, the registrar, director of education services and the provost of the University, who serves as chairman of the Council, is the custodian of the academic affairs of the University. It is the work of this Council to review periodically the academic regulations of the University. The Council checks the academic qualifications for all applicants for graduate studies. All cases of conditional enrollment and those of students on probation and students whose academic records are unsatisfactory are reviewed by the Council.

Academic Year

BJU’s academic year is divided into 2 semesters of 16 weeks each.

Admission Certificate

Campus contact, authorization information and enrollment materials received at check-in to claim one’s reservation.

Admission Counselor

A person assigned to prospective students to guide them through the admission process and oversee the collection of their documents to be admitted as a students.


Admission committee approval of a college applicant to attend.

Affidavit of Support

For international applicants, a document promising that the person who completes it will support an applicant financially in the United States.

Advanced Placement Scores (AP)

Applicants who take AP courses during high school may qualify for college credit based upon their AP scores. Credit for AP is based solely upon AP tests and not on AP courses. AP test scores must be a 4 or above for recognition. To be recognized, credits must have been earned prior to enrollment at BJU and after the sophomore year of high school. The total credit earned through AP, CLEP, or IB programs is limited to 30 semester hours which includes any credit in transfer presented from approved distance learning schools. There is no charge for recognition of AP, CLEP, or IB credits. Visit College Board Testing


A prospective student who has submitted an application for college admission but has not yet been admitted. The admission committee will consider applicants who have submitted all the required information to the Office of Admission.


Completing an application is a key step in the college admission process. The application process gives an applicant a better understanding of the opportunities available as well as the expectations placed upon him. The application process also helps a college understand more about the applicant. The goal in this process is to help determine how good a fit there is between the college’s mission and the abilities and aspirations of the applicant.

Associate Degree

An undergraduate degree awarded upon the completion of a minimum of 90 hours and a cumulative 2.0 grade point average.


A short sample performance by an individual to demonstrate their competence, skill or talent.

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Baccalaureate Degree

See Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

An undergraduate degree awarded upon the completion of a minimum of 120 hours and a cumulative 2.0 grade point average.

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2 to 3 day period at the start of a term when an applicant claims an admission reservation to be enrolled as a student.

Classification of Students

Academic classification is granted to all undergraduate students according to the following standards:

  • Freshman — Admission to the University with freshman standing
  • Sophomore — At least 30 credits
  • Junior — At least 60 credits
  • Senior — At least 90 credits

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

General CLEP scores are not recognized. Subject area CLEP credits are acceptable so long as the scores are 50 or above. To be recognized, credits must have been earned prior to enrollment at BJU and after the sophomore year of high school. The total credit earned through AP, CLEP, or IB programs is limited to 30 semester hours which includes any credit in transfer presented from approved distance learning schools. There is no charge for recognition of AP, CLEP, or IB credits. Visit College Board Testing

Continuing Education Units (CEU)

CEUs are used as a uniform measure for participation in non-degree educational activities. CEUs serve as a standard of measurement that can be reported to employers, licensing entities, accreditating bodies, etc., to document such participation. Some ways that individuals may use personal records and transcripts reported in CEUs include:

  • personal and professional development
  • documentation of continuing education activities for maintenance of teacher certification or other types of licensing
  • evidence of vocational growth and development

Course Prerequisite

A course that is required prior to taking an advanced course.

Credentials Evaluation

Applicants educated outside the United States must request a credential evaluation report from World Education Services (WES) or The Evaluation Company (TEC) to be sent to Bob Jones University. Learn more

Current Student

Students enrolled in a current term or distance learning course.

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The administrator of a particular school or division within the Univeristy. Examples: Dean of the School of Health Professions, Dean of the College of Arts and Science

Decision Letter

Written notification to an application concerning admittance or rejection as a student.

Deficiency (High School Units)

Applicants deficient in entrance requirements to an undergraduate degree program, but whom BJU is willing to admit, must make up deficiencies by taking additional hours on the university level. These hours are added to to the total of 120 required for graduation. Since one semester of college work is usually construed to be the equivalent of a year’s high school course, a student deficient one-half unit of academic electives is required 121 hours for graduation; a student deficient one unit, 122 hours for graduation, etc. These additional hours must be taken in the areas of study in which the student is deficient.

Deficiency (Undergraduate Courses)

Graduate students who did not attend Bob Jones University may, at the discretion of the Academic Council, be required to take Bible courses. Bible deficiencies must be corrected beginning the first semester of a student’s enrollment until all deficiencies are completed. Individuals with 13 or more hours of deficiency may be approved as a post graduate special student making up deficiencies for graduate approval.


An undergraduate or graduate status level conferred by BJU as the result of successfully completing a program of study.

Denied Enrollment

Students denied enrollment:

  • May be considered for readmission for a term that begins at least one complete semester following the time of their termination. Fulfilling their academic requirements will require a minimum of 2 full-time semesters or one full-time semester and 2 full-time summer sessions.
  • May be considered for distance learning courses during their ineligibility as a regular student.

Distance Course Registration Periods

Students wishing to sign up for a(n):

  • Undergraduate online course may do so from 2 months before the course starts until 1 week before it starts.
  • Graduate online course may do so from 2 months before the course starts until 2 weeks before it starts.

Distance Learning

Courses offered online. Learn more

Dual Credit

Credit given for an academic course in both a high school curriculum and a college curriculum. Dual credit course are usually taken during high school years and are sometimes taken at a community college.

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Entrance Examinations

BJU entrance examinations are required of all applicants who do not qualify for admission by regular high school certificate or by either the Equivalency Diploma or GED Tests. This requirement holds as well for non-degree students. For these students, the examination results serve as a basis for academic counseling.


Admitted and registered for classes as a student.


The process of being admitted as a student and claiming a reservation prior to registering for classes.

Enrollment Verification

The providing of documentation regarding a student’s dates of attendance, current/past enrollment, degrees, date of graduation, majors, minors, holding a reservation, number of credit hours earned and grade point average.

Equivalency Diploma

The High School Equivalency Diploma or certificate is issued by the state department of education of nearly all the states as part of their services in the field of adult education. For availability and specific requirements, check with your state’s department of education. Other things being equal, an equivalency diploma is construed as sufficient for college admission and meets all the specific entrance requirements.

The Evaluation Company (TEC)

Applicants educated outside the United States must submit a credential evaluation report from The Evaluation Company (or WES). See Credentials Evaluation.

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F-1 Visa

See Visa

F-2 Visa

See Visa

Former Student

A former student is one who has been previously enrolled in BJU during a regular semester and/or distance learning degree program. Non-degree distance learning students are also former students though formal admission has not been made to BJU.

Full-Time Student

Generally speaking, 10 semester hours constitutes the minimum full-time load at BJU.

  • However, undergraduate residence hall students are required to carry a minimum of 12 hours. A student carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours may be eligible to receive full federal financial aid.
  • Graduate residence hall students are required to carry a minimum of 10 hours.

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General Education Development Tests (GED)

The GED Tests are designed to measure the primary academic outcomes students normally acquired by completing a typical high school program of study. The GED Tests can serve as a basis for admission for the veteran or other adult applicant when satisfactory scores have been achieved at an approved examination center. Visit GED Testing Service

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student’s average grade for all courses taken. The GPA is computed by multiplying the number of quality points (4 points for an A, 3 for a B, 2 for a C and 1 for a D) by the number of credits (usually 3) for each course (resulting in the grade point for each course) and adding them up (resulting in the grade point total), then dividing the grade point total by the total number of credits. A perfect GPA is 4.0.

Graduate Degree

An advanced degree, beyond the bachelor level, awarded upon the completion of a minimum number of hours and a minimum cumulative grade point average. Applicants must meet all academic prerequisites (i.e., degrees, GPA, auditions, etc.) prior to admittance into a graduate program by the Academic Council.

Graduate Program

Program of study leading to an advanced degree. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university and must qualify for a program of study leading to a graduate degree. A student’s program of study must be substantially equal to the undergraduate program of study required in that particular field at BJU, including major, minor and general requirements.
Learn more about: Graduate Programs | Graduate Program Requirements

Graduate Studies

Courses and/or degree programs, beyond the bachelor level. Applicants must meet undergraduate degree and GPA requirements prior to admittance into a graduate course.

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High School Required Units

Applicants should have achieved high school graduate and have at least 16-18 acceptable units of secondary school work. (A unit is defined as five 45-minute periods each week for 36 weeks)

10 of these units must be in academic subjects. The following distribution of units is recommended: English (3), mathematics (2), natural science (1), social studies or history (2), and foreign language (2).

High School Units Deficient

See Deficiency

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Form I-20 is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security document issued by an institution that provides supporting information for the issuance of a student visa or change of status.

Immunization Form

Reservations are contingent upon the applicant submitting a immunization form prior to the opening of the term in which he or she enrolls.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

IB credit is based solely upon the Higher Level Examination results. IB test scores must be 5 or above for recognition. Only 3 semester hours of credit in English Composition may be earned by any combination of AP or CLEP credits. A total of 6 semester hours of English credit may be earned by IB, excluding AP and CLEP programs. The total credit earned through AP, CLEP, or IB programs is limited to 30 semester hours which includes any credit in transfer presented from approved distance learning schools. There is no charge for recognition of AP, CLEP, or IB credits.

International Student

An applicant who isn’t a U.S. citizen and desires to study at BJU.

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New Student

A new student is one who has not previously enrolled in BJU during a regular semester—including:

  • Transfer students
  • Students enrolled for the first time in the BJU summer sessions
  • Bob Jones Academy graduates entering the university

Non-Degree Distance Learning Student

Qualified students attending other colleges or seeking continuing education, includes LEAP, current, or former BJU students.

Non-Degree Enrollment

Mature individuals, past normal college age, who qualify for regular admission and who wish to take only a few courses on campus on a part-time bases, but are not interested in a degree.

Non-Immigrant Visa

Nonimmigrant visas are for international travelers, (citizens of other countries), coming to the U.S. temporarily. This visa allows you to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (airport, for example) and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security immigration inspector to enter the U.S. A visa does not guarantee entry into the United States.

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Off-campus Housing

Students, part- or full-time who live in the greater Greenville area.

Office of Admission

BJU department responsible for processing all student applications for both residence and distance learning.

Online Course

Term enrollment with a course offered over six to twelve consecutive weeks by distance learning. Students are expected to meet assignment and testing deadlines, participate in asynchronous discussions with the instructor and enrolled students through an online community. Course feedback and questions are provided through the instructor. Learn more

Online Degree Program

A degree available by distance learning with no residency requirement.

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Part-time Student

Any student carrying less than 10 semester hours. A student carrying 6-11 semester hours may be eligible to receive part-time Title IV federal financial aid.

Post Graduate Special (PGS)

A student holding a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college securing additional undergraduate course work. Learn more

Program of Study

Subject area (major) leading to a degree.

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  • New Students — 2 recommendations are required as part of the application process:
    • one from a church leader (pastor or youth pastor)
    • one from a present high school/college official
  • Former Students — One recommendation from a church leader (pastor or youth pastor) is required.


Individuals previously enrolled in BJU during a regular semester but not enrolled in the current term are classified as a former student and must go through the reenrollment process to become a student.

Re-enrollment Application

A reenrollment application serves 2 purposes. It allows applicants to refocus on BJU’s mission as well as allowing BJU to update the applicants information.

Re-enrollment Fee

Fee charged for processing the application of a former student.


The college administrator who has the responsibility for student course registration, the scheduling of classes, the transferring of academic credit, the maintenance of permanent academic records (such as a transcripts) and enrollment verification.


Formal admittance by admission of an applicant to be a student. The reservation is confirmed by the applicant with a reservation fee payment. The reservation is claimed by the applicant during Check-In at the start of a term for enrollment. For international applicants, in the event the application is rejected, the reservation fee will be refunded.

Reservation Change

To change a confirmed reservation to a future date or cancel a reservation, contact the Office of Admission at 1-800-252-6363 or by email.

Reservation Fee

Fee paid by the applicant to confirm their reservation with the Office of Admission. Upon enrollment, the reservation fee will be applied toward the semester's tuition and fees. This fee is refundable prior to May 1 if cancellation occurs. No reservation is final until all records are in order and the reservation fee is received.

Residence Halls

Learn more

Residency Requirement

A set amount of time a student must spend on campus in order to complete a degree.

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2 semesters, 16 weeks each, comprise the academic year.

Semester Credit

The unit of credit is semester hour. Quarter hours are converted into Semester hours at the ratio of 3:2—that is, 3 quarter hours equal 2 semester hours. No fractional credits are recorded.

Social Security Number

Social Security numbers are assigned to individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. Social Security numbers are used to report your wages to the government and to determine eligibility for Social Security benefits. BJU does not use the Social Security number for student identification but assigns a unique identification number for each student.

Student Employment

Offers students opportunity to earn money working on campus during the school year. Learn more

Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)

SEVIS tracks and monitors institutions and programs, international students, exchange visitors and their dependents throughout the duration of approved participation within the U.S. education system. This sytem is used by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) which acts as the bridge for varied government organizations that have an interest in information on foreign students (i.e., U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, etc.).

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Portion of an academic year that includes a semester or summer session.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Required of all applicants whose primary language is not English. Applicants must meet minimum entry requirements for undergraduate or graduate degree programs or may qualify for the Bridge to College English program.


Each applicant educated in the United States must request that their high school and/or college forward a copy of their official transcript directly to the Director of Admission. Transcripts are not accepted from students.

Applicants educated outside the United States must submit a credential evaluation report from World Education Services (WES) or The Evaluation Company. See Credentials Evaluation.

Transcript Credit

All transfer credits are accepted on a provisional basis, which means that they do not become a part of the student’s permanent record until they has successfully completed 1 semester of study leading toward a degree from BJU. To validate the credit on any transcript, a student is expected to earn the same grades or better in residence at BJU.

Transcript Credit Regulations

Learn more

Transfer Student

A student who attended another institution for at least one term prior to attending BJU.

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Undergraduate Degree

An associate or bachelor degree awarded upon the completion of a minimum number of hours with a cumulative 2.0 grade point average.

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The Immigration and Nationality Act provides nonimmigrant visa categories for persons wishing to study in the United States. The “F” visa is reserved for non-immigrants wishing to pursue academic studies and/or language training programs.

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World Education Services (WES)

Applicants educated outside the United States must request a credential evaluation report from World Education Services (or The Evaluation Company) to be sent to Bob Jones University. See Credentials Evaluation.

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